<body> Pink Garden




...TAGS ♥
Res. 2007
Meal Composition
2007 Review

...LINKS ♥

lucky's loft


Friday, December 28, 2007

Resolutions 2008

1. Keep myself healthy by: sleeping early (not later than 1am); taking up a sport (swimming, perhaps) and eating healthy.

2. To take up my XX course again. Also to try taking up YY and ZZ course if time allows.

3. Keep Lucky healthy and provide more quality time for him.

4. My no2....

5. To give more time to myself and STOP minding other's business, even if sometimes the way they do things isnt exactly correct.

6. My mouth... watch my words.

7. Go on a trip.

8. Again, make more effort in keeping in contact with my friends!




Wednesday, December 26, 2007

its a total blank.

All right. My mind is a total blank. I've got writer's blogger's block. I wanted to blog bout my baking session with E and also a review of 2007, but I just cant get round to doing it. I guess I'm just too tired...Zzz

And its only six more days till 2008 arrives.




Resolutions 2007- Review

1.To mind my own biz. ( i guess i kind of done it during 2006 but this behaviour could be further improved)
Hmm.... I think I managed to do that... only to a certain extent

2.Spend more time with my close friends especially E.
Done! :)

3.Pump up lucky to at least 1.8 kg and maintain it there.
Ok, I failed to do this. He's still stick-thin. Am looking thru his diet and changing it soon.

4. Stop spending so much on redundant stuff and to use my brain to analyse first before buying. (this is especially so when buying toys and stuff for lucky!-_-) In other words, be a wise shopper.
True enough that I did not buy much stuff for Lucky this year.

5. Take up a course, and yes, finish my XX course.
Ops, this is where I failed. My XX course was discontinued and I did not take up a new course. This will have to wait till mid-2008 I guess. By next year I'll have three courses on my mind to do. Not sure if all three can be completed thou.

In all, I would call 2007 a smooth year for me. Nothing much explosive happened and I was able to have some peace and quiet thru out the whole year.

I made some new friends, lost some, and also realise some friends arent just worth the effort to keep in contact with. Yes, I believe in making quality friends, not quantity.

I've been a by-stander in lotsa events in 2007 too. Sometimes its a pity that things turns this way for others..but yet there's nothing I could do. Perhaps this is 'karma'. You reap what you sow.

Come 2008, there'll be new challenges plus new worries (sigh)...hoping that 2008 will be a smooth and fruitful one...




Friday, December 21, 2007

nice cup of soft-drink

Went Ikea for a quick shopping and also a light snack at their small cafe.

I was munching on my hotdog when this maid and three brats kids caught my attention. The maid was frowning in the first place, and mum pointed out that the parents were missing. So I just casually said that maybe the parents were still shopping and went back to my hotdog.

Next, this totally irresponsible man in his thirties strode by the table that was occupied by the maid and the kids and just casually left his leftover cup of softdrink on the lower level of the table. I mean, this person was just few steps away from the bin and he have to be so lazy to leave the cup, at other's tables also?

So the eldest of the kids went over to look at the cup (left behind by the stranger). There must be some leftover in the cup...as the next thing i know the boy took a sip from the cup. (O_O) The maid, needless to say, failed to notice.

I laughed myself silly then when the other 2 younger kids tried stuffing the half of the hotdog bun into their tweeny weeny mouths. Of course they did not succeed and I laughed even harder when pieces of the bun fell out of their mouths. The maid looked over at me but she seems to have failed to notice her charges stuffing themself silly thou. Ok, you can call me mean i guess but I have zero feelings for brats.

Next, papa and mama arrived. Mama was too busy looking over her purchase at ikea (see, her goods are more important than her own kids) while papa was busy nursing his stomach. Maid is gone. Now, the youngest boy found the cup too. Apparently there was STILL some drink left. So...the youngest boy proceeded to emptying the cup of softdrink. (O_O) --> this is the only face i can managed.

Before I left the kids' moves were still undetected. the girl was even licking a piece of paper she'd found.

What a family. And we are in a educated society. What well-behaved kids.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

this shitty weekend..

Things are so wrong for this weekend. So, so, very wrong. Things didnt went as I've planned initially and I'm going to hate tomorrow when it arrives. :(

Have been telling myself to face tomorrow positively. BUT I CANT! Boo. Cant wait for Thursday to arrive.

From now on i'm going to blog more faithfully. Whenever possible.




Saturday, December 15, 2007

PINK is the color

Apologies if you find this sudden pink-ness too hard to handle. Its been a while that my blog is coat with pink anyway. Most importantly, i LOVE the pinky-ness. (^_^)V

Read my two tags while sorting out my new blogskin and i read realise two things bout the two tags: 1. My resolutions 2007, well...it seems that i only kept to one of resolutions made. Ops. Oh well, what past is past. i'd have to make a new 2008 resolutions and stick to it. PROMISE. 2. The composition for lucky's meal isnt exactly what I want now. Organs got to go (it might be too rich for him feed this way)and grains as carbos got to go also.

Been reading Dr. Pitcairn's New Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats and i'm going to make some changes to his diet. Not that i'm BARF-ing him thou. Because my family going to cringe if lucky cruches on raw meat and bones. But the book is sitll a good read for dog/cat owners who are thinking of more holistic way of pet-keeping.

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