Friday, May 25, 2007
consumer BEWARE!
yucks. i feel so sick and icky all over now after gulping down the cup noodles. :( the supposedly 'healthy cup noodles'. ok, so i've fall victim to yet another advertising gimmick. well, the cup noodles looked so tasty then... and it was stated as HEALTHY.
geez, i should have know. cup noodles will always taste like cup noodles. they make one (at least, ME) feels so sick after eating.
yea yea, i know that cup noodles are instant food and they will NEVER be sooooo healthy. i ate it just as a sake to statisfy my cravings. NO! corrections, they might be healthy. compared to instant noodles, fast food... its just that they don fare that well when placed beside a bowl of homemade soup noodles with fresh prawns and REAL mushrooms. bleahx.
ok, back to smart consumerism (do this word exist?). so how many of us do really take a look at the ingredients list when buying food? less than 20%, perhaps? how many would know what is consider a healthy selection of food? do they really mean it when they put 'no preservatives added"? hmm, how could the product have a long shelf live if no preservatives is added?? are the ingredients really the only ones used when making the products?
i guess i don really wish to know some of the answers to the questions above. :P and i've better go lie down abit.
cant wait for the homemade dumplins and fried rice later. yum.
thanks for informing.
Labels: misc
Thursday, May 10, 2007
some calculations to be done so that i could have a clearer mind. :)
it is said that for hcf, it is best to feed 2-3% of the dog's ideal body weight. lucky is approximately 1.5kg now and i would like his ideal weight to be 1.8kg.
which means the amount of food i should feed him each meal should be=
1800 x 0.03= 54g
further division of one single meal...
55% protein:
54 x 0.55 = 29.7g
25% carbos:
54 x 0.25 = 13.5g
20% greens:
54 x 0.20 = 10.8g
5% offals:
54 x 0.05 = 2.7g
for one week worth of meal,
protein needed:
29.7g x 14 = 118.8g
offals needed:
2.7g x 7= 18.9g
somehow it seems that lucky is getting more than what is needed for him. if this is so, how come he's still stick-thin??!!
ok, did i make a mistake in my calculations? is my maths really THAT bad?? can someone point out to me if i did make a mistake in my calculations???
anyway, if my calculations are correct, which butcher which be willing to sell me 20g of offals? perhaps i could persuade mr butcher to give them to me instead. :P
ok, i think i got it, this calculations is suppose to be of cooked food, i'm sure raw food weigh more since it contains water..TRUE OR FALSE??
i told you i'm terrible at maths!Labels: food, pooch
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
one week, four birthdays...
posting some random photos i've took for the past one week. it has been a hectic week for me. four birthdays in just one week! i've almost gone crazy thinking bout what to buy. been out buying presents, celebrating and eating for the past week. hehe...right, i'm almost broke~
birthday celebration at centralONE, clarke quay, japanese restaurant...
my lunchy! (^_^) plus PL's fingers. haha...

the outside view from the restaurant we're lunching at...

and..the furry one caught while he was resting! yes, he was plain bored, without his bouncy balls plus me always out. got to make up to him...
lastly, one of my buffet spread...:)

life's wonderful with nice food and dogs! :)
before i end this post of mine, thanks to those who've given me presents and sent me birthday greetings. :)
Labels: birthdays, food, wuffworkz
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
what nice ears you have!
finally got a close up of lucky's ears. :) although its been 2 weeks or so since his grooming, i'm glad that the fur around his ears has yet to start growing. i loveeeee those sharp and pointy ears of his!

Bernard did a great job on his ears. :)
sunday was a LONG day for me. took lucky to the dogshow in the afternoon (which means i was up since morning preparing him). met tootsie, sharon's gal plus dollie! (^_^)
i wonder if its because lucky's better being with female dogs, or that tootsie and dollie are quiet dogs or simply because BFR did its job on sunday. lucky wasnt great, but at least he's ok, not that hateful towards the two of them. he is still uncertain towards dogs that rushes to him, so i guess i got to work more on that. plus his weight (people are still commenting he's thin!!) and his coat! yucks. so much to work on! does that makes me a bad owner??
photographing 3 dogs was no easy feat! this was the best photos i could find.
and of course the old man was tired after entertaining two young gals. haha~

attended serene's 21st bdae party at the same night. thanks again for serene's invitation. :)
speaking of bdae, i'm turning 21 soon just sucks growing up. :(
Labels: birthdays, pooch, wuffworkz