Friday, February 23, 2007
well, the lunar new year is almost over... i'm feeling glad. i'm feeling...dissappointed too.
glad that all the mad rush to buy clothes and other stuff is finally over. dissappointed that its now back to my boring working life. with no long weekends to look forward to. (X_X) bleah.....
over the new year, something finally dawned on me: i'm getting old...way too old. how old? i'm now aunt to four nieces and one nephew. (-_-) my oldest niece is now four ( erm, i think so) years old, loves to speak, play with me, doll herself up and...prefers to call me 'sister(jiejie)' instead of 'aunt(biao yi)'.
i guess i didnt realise this last time when they were younger, because they hadnt learn how to speak then. hadnt learn how to call me aunt... and yes, i'm still getting use to this new term of mine. i may take one more year to get use to this.
another hint i'm getting older: people keep asking me when i'm tying the knot!!??!!
i really don know whats on their mind. should they ask again next year, i guess i may just say i'm pratising the way, to be a nun...or maybe... there are rent-a-boyfriend agency out there?? hah....Labels: cny, family
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
a picture tells a thousand word
presenting..... my proudest work so far! :D ok. i admit its aint a REALLY fine pic taken with those fancy SLR cameras or whatever. but i really liked the way i managed to focus on lucky ( making him all sharp and all) while his cookie in the foreground turns blurry. i guess i got lucky somehow and managed to use the focus box correctly...also, another thing to all, the colors are so sharp from this picture. suffcient lighting given! yeah! *claps myself on the shoulder*

at a last min decision last saturday, mum decided we should give our house a new look this coming chinese new year by giving it a new coat of paint. we only managed to finish half the house only...


i would say as beginner painters, bro and i did quite ok. of course, dad is there to do the finishing touches...
2 more days to cny! and there's still lots to buy! UGRH!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
who says shopping is enjoyable?? the squishing, snatching and trying of clothes is driving me mad. (-_-) and i've YET to buy my bags and shoes!!! urgh... if only i'm a dog, clothes are secondary issues and could be easily bought. and yes, mother garden is just SO sweet....