had a really fun-filled long weekend, so i thought i should blog. :)
finally visited the much talked about Vivocity on Thursday. the shops were ok. selling mostly branded merchanise which i neither need nor have the means to buy. there were quite a few of facial care shops too. :) and the shops that really 'wowed' me? hehe..firstly, that got to be Candy Empire! :D Chocolates and candies by the mountains! one's mood would definitely lighten with just one walk around the chocolate wonderland. haha. somehow candy empire strongly reminds me of 'honeydukes' in harry potter. i guess that's what appealed to me bout the shop. hehe. we even bought this box of multi-flavoured jellybeans, like harry potter's 'every-flavoured beans'. and like the 'every-flavoured beans', there are tasty ones as well as awful ones too! (^_^)
the make-a-bear shop was nice too. but the sales assistants there were simply awful! bugging us to buy their teddy bears the moment we stepped into the shop that we left seconds later. :P we went for a walk at vivo's skywalk after dinner and its superb... could see sentosa from there and the wading pool looks nice (even though i'm probaby way too old to wade in it) visited the pets safari there too...haha. really a good place to bring dogs along... ops...
we left without looking through all the shops thou. it was way too big, and our feet were tired from the walking. come to think of it, no wonder they placed so much chairs there!

bought lucky for a grooming on friday then. he looks kind of weird at first with so much of his long fur sniped away. but gradually, he looks kind of cute. hehe.put on a shirt for him when i bought him out for dinner at night, as his skirting looks weird. haha.
but i do think he seems to like his short coat better. well, at least now its easier to groom him and bring him out for walks at the beach. :)
Woke up real early on saturday so as to bring abe to the family carnival organise by dad's company. he was so chatty on the way! and i can definitely say he's precocious, much to someone's believe. hehe.
he definitely had fun with the games at the carnival. :) sent him home with a packet of gifts he won at the carnival plus two balloon swords he 'bought' at the carnival. well, i bought something at the carnival too..haha. a red balloon poodle! its shrinking thou...

how tiring can taking care of a seven-year-old be? VERY! the five of us slept the rest of the afternoon away the moment we reached home. :D
poor lucky. he slept while we were away, and slept again when we slept. and...he slept when we went out for dinner later in the evening. haha. poor boy. went changi point for dinner and the changi point coastal walk is finally done! a great place for hanging-out and star-gazing..provided its a cloudless night. :P
well, to make up for the times he spent alone at home the past few days, i bought him to the wet market this morning. haha. he stood there, soaking in all the compliments passers-by rained on him while the both of us waited for mum and dad. (ok, i'm getting a tad too big-headed here...)
took him for a run too just now...but some weird reasons, he hated running....why??