Thursday, November 23, 2006
san-x kawaii froggy (^_^)
was browsing thru san-x website and found their new creation, a green little froggy, kind of adorable. thou drawn simply, its innocent face just made me like it. here's a short clip of it: :)
anyway, new skin for my blog again! hehe. the previous skin, thou nice, was way too small when pictures are included. this one will do for the time being. :)
i've finally bought the ccs pin brush (plus flaxseed oil) for lucky. well, it was actually cheaper than i initially tot it was. and it was a definitely good buy! no more breaking of coat when i use it to brush lucky! as for the flaxseed oil, well, its still too early to tell whether its any good yet...
Saturday, November 11, 2006
anna sui-princessy dreams!

oh gosh, its been a LOOOONNGGG time since i've last blogged! XD been so busy lately that even my little boy is complaining by marking around the house. :( planned a doggy spa for him in the month of dec or jan. hope that the doggy spa might help him relax, plus aid in his skin problem.
anyway, been influenced by sis to beginning to like anna sui's products. really like the way they packaged their products into nicely crafted rose boxes or bottles. their foundation box is so nice! :) planing to buy their facial care products in the near future. hopefully they have a xmas discount by then...haha! :P
picture from annasui's website