Wednesday, September 27, 2006
about people
i just dunno why. the moment i've to step onto a public transport, i'll definitely meet ridiculous people. people who wore the most bizarre stuff or did the weirdest actions.what they wear, i guess i won elaborate. since they have the guts to wear something that is so unfit them and parade in front of the public, well, i cant possibly control everyone on earth.
as for weird actions. i wouldnt really care if the actions doesnt hurt anybody else. but some of those people can be disgusting. like eating potatoe chips on the bus and after that flicking his hands to clean off crumbs...yucks. no wonder food is not allowed on public buses: that's because we have disgusting people like the above. so normal people like us are stripped of the privilege.
and that day i decided to give up my seat for an old lady. and the whole bus of passengers were practially staring at me! hello?? i'm doing a good deed, not like i'm snatching seat with the old lady instead! hmm... the way people's minds worked can be so unfathomable.
gave a baked bone for lucky to chew on just now. real bones are supposedly better at clearing plague for their teeth. however, if you happen to own a dog and reading this, pls do not give bones to your dogs randomly! some bones might splinter and cause death to dogs!!
lastly, been hearing some disturbing news bout someone all week round. some are heard of, some are read. well, its still kind of hard to judge a person just by hearing and reading. :/ its kind of dissappointing and really disbelieving alright.
however, i don see why these people have to malign you. and i have to say, i'm dissappointed with how you turned out, and how you are handling things now. ask yourself, are you really acting like a responsible adult now? if what i've heard is truth, i can say, you are NOT. someone who is responsible thinks before he/she acts. they also consider the pros and cons, and most importantly, the results of their actions! so, have you done that? ok, my definations of a responsible adults might be different from yours.
yes, i may not be you. and i may not know what you are going thru now. on the otherhand, how much do you know bout what's happening to pass judgement? how well do you understand what's going thru others?
ok, i guess enough of my rantings. before i end, i have to remind others that sometimes things are not as bad as it seems. and, its best to talk to the person involve, rather than suffering in silence. :)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

whenever there's movement in the kitchen, my little monster will get all uptight. licking his chops, thinking that whatever we are cooking, we are bound to involve his share. and he loves sitting outside of the kitchen and observe us...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
byebye, steve irwin...):
took me quite a while to write bout thistopic. yes, i REALLY felt like crying when i knew about the death of crocodile hunter, steve irwin. i mean, HELLO? if someone as nice as steve irwin have to die so young, this world is really, really, UNFAIR.
little facts i know about him ONLY after his death:
-is the owner of a zoo in queensland, aussie
-has a daughter(who is a animal lover, like him) and a son
-buys plots of lands for nature conservation with the money he earned
-is a very active animal conservationist
i'm really impressed with point number 3. nobody i know would have cared to do that. what can i say? except that the world has lost a great animal lover...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
dramas, dramas and MORE dramas...

HELP! i've got bitten by 'tvb bug' really seriously! :P
it all started yesterday, when bored me was searching for a cd to listen. came across this cd i got from pl some time ago, since i've never really listened to it before, so i played it. this chinese duet by chilam and nadia attracted my attention. since cold blood warm heart was by tvb and its weird they actually sung a chinese duet for a canto drama! and its a really nice chinese song, by the way. i keep re-playing it till even sis could sing part of the song out. haha.
ok, back to the drama bug. yes, this duet was actually the sub-theme of 'cold blood warm heart'. at the mention of 'cold blood warm heart' my mind came to a blank! ok, i kind of panic then. (O_o) since i've always remember all tvb dramas, even those i've never watched before. just couldnt remember much bout this drama. so online i went to find out more. and while browsing thru dramas upon dramas information, the bug just got stronger. haha.
got to admit till now i just cant remember what 'cold blood warm heart' is about. but the cast is pretty strong: louis, gallen, jessica, nadia, julian. and there are comments that this drama is a 'tvb classic'...maybe i'll just buy the vcds and watch it. keke.
while browsing thru dramas, i realise i really MISSED the old tvb..with flora, ada, bowie they all. :( and...most importantly, LOUIS KOO! (^_^) just love him pairing up with jessica. so i spent the whole afternoon watching and trying to find clips of their detective investigations files IV...grr, i really miss this show that i have a very strong feeling of wanting to buy it...HOW?
and would tvb pls, pls get louis koo back and have a drama (preferably dif 5) with jessica??
Friday, September 01, 2006
spend more time with your dog!
just saw this video on youtube...sad. :( i'm going to spend EVEN more time with lucky now.