Thursday, February 23, 2006
hk cafe...
today bought my dearest jie to the hk-style cafe in hougang... had baked rice again. and jie commented why i always order baked rice when it is available. cant help. i really love baked rice. (^_^) but the dessert was kind of a cheater thou. should have ordered a drink instead. hope jie enjoyed the cafe. hehe. after that we took neoprints again! this time neoprint really nicely taken. maybe its becuz we werent rushed into finishing decorating them....
kk, need to go...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
sozai rulz..
surfing thru the net for more materials to add to my sis friendster's account. my, i really marvel those japanese workmanship. their sozai are just so nice. here's one of the pixel art from one of the japan website. *do not steal as this does not belong to me*:
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
really bushed now... did html editing for almost the whole afternoon !!! its tiring looking and typing in all those html code. (Zzzz...) promised sis to help decorate her 'friendster' account a long while ago yet never really get down to it. yesterday she reminded me again. well, a promise is a promise, esp to your yuonger siblings. :) and so i spent almost the whole afternoon helping her 'decorate' her friendster account. and its done! quite satisfied with the turnout too. :)
i was checking out some of my blogger links yesterday and realised my ripway account was cancelled out! duh. my jc class blog pic was saved under that account and naturally now tat the account is deleted, the picture is gone. (-_-) so a part of my today's afternoon was used to put up a notice at our class blog. if any of my jc friends are reading my blog: really sorry! that wasnt done purposely!!! yep and u all will have to wait while i'm free enough to do put up a new a blog skin.
talking of blogs, i'm planning to set up a blog for lucky. hehe. since his life is difinitely more interesting than mine. haha. and i think i fell in love with kao-anis again. they are just so cute man... hehe. here's one of them (hope it shows):

ok, really got to end. need to cook dinner for lucky before he pulls down the whole of his tidbits container.
Monday, February 20, 2006
itz me, i'm back!
the previous post was supposed to be my last post for this blog... :P initially had plans to shut down this blogger site (temporary!!) and move all my stuff onto another personal webpage. well, not exactly shut down, just that i won be blogging. (^_^) so i still need to get another skin done first. alas, inspiration just didnt came knocking, hadnt any idea of a new skin yet. so this blog will not be shut down, YET! haha.
luckily i wasnt a dog. if i were one, i would have probably died of an chocolate overdose during valentine's day. haha. (>_<) that was becoz dad bought mum a HUGE box of chocolates as v day gift. naturally mum shared the chocolates with us. then she herself bought us a box of chocolate each. and my, the amount of money they spent on the chocolates were!!! (0_o)
and till today we are still eating chocolates. haha.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
last blog entry(probably)
woo.. in a flash of an eye cny is almost over! who time flies! could still remember when we were young we(meaning me, my siblings plus my cousins) simply LOVE cny. since its the only time of the year where we could see and play with each other. after a rush dinner on new year's eve, we would practically rush downstairs of our grandma's old shophouse to play with fireworks while 2nd uncle would wipe the shop's signboard. and after that its family photo! now...although family members have increase, the 'feel' of cny seems to have gone. perhaps its that we are all grown up? how come is it that while young, we could play together but now we would only watch telly? i really wonder...
and i recall reading an article whereby singles older than 25 would opt to take cny time to travel so as to avoid questions like: why arent u marry? i wonder i should do that in 5 yrs time..haha...