Tuesday, January 24, 2006
cny is coming SOON!
just finished a piece of chocolate cake. yuuUUUMMMm! absolutely delicious. the cake was courtesy of aunt. turns out yesterday was her bdae... ops. nvr give bdae greetings yet still have the cheek to eat her cake. :P
went bugis shopping for new year clothes on sunday. and i saw the doggy stand to hold dog's clothes.... oh my. its so sweet! perfect to hang lucky's clothes. but it seems that the most number of doggy clothes it can hold is 10 only. think lucky's clothes will definitely be more than that. keke. maybe i should diy one after cny for him.
monday went all the way down to serangoon north to search for lucky's new clothes. but found none. couldnt even find new toys for him too! think he was angry when i got home. coz he peed on my hamster's bedding which i bought. (>_<)
today... went shopping with mum again. then while eating japanese food she was so pissed off by a group of teenage gals who apparently were tooking and laughing bout us. :/ think there's no need to bother bout those people. haha. mum bought a pair of new shoes for me. :) we shop, shop, shop. and we even went to look for a petshop that we saw long ago. hehe. found the shop. but again there was no shirt for lucky! hmmm, how come so difficult to find nice shirts for lucky?? and i saw a really cute pearl white in the shop. oPs...
and when we finally went back to tampines mall. still NO shirt for lucky! but i bought him a new drinking bowl, new petstage stimulating toy plus a treat ball. hope these toys will relief his boredom. or else we really have to adopt dog no2 as accompany for him. of coz, THAT is sth i really hope will happen. :P
Thursday, January 19, 2006
took lucky over to the vet for his yearly vaccinations just now. the vet weighed him and he weighed:1.5kg! still the same! thot he will at least weight 1.7kg! hai. need to fatten him up more...
thinking of gg bugis shopping tomorrow. want to buy clothes plus nail art stickers. and now its too late to do my hair.. :( just when its about the suitable length too! and must buy a new shirt plus bowl for lucky... thinking of buying a nice ceramic one.. :P
bro sprained his leg again... hope it's just a minor sprain...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
cny spring cleaning!
started spring cleaning my room today. wonder why its only a year time and yet so much dust and rubbish gathers! but i've finally converted half my dresser drawer (which was previously used to hold a lot of my junk) into one that will be holding me and my sis's accessories... and i even proceeded to tidying up my desk! (>_<)
dug up some photos that were taken for the jc1 dog's project and i nearly had a heart attack....omg! those were my works? there are really badly taken! haha.... wonder what happened to me that time. then i remembered that esther have a part in taking the photos. haha. and that time mummy don allow me to throw away the photos coz she say photos cant be thrown. now she say can... (-_-) so i tear all the ugly photos up and throw away! kind of heartache thou... its kind of like throwing away my money! haha. no choice. those photos were taking up space.
and tml... hope i can get some shopping done. :)
Monday, January 16, 2006
year of the dog approaching!!
argh.. so long since i've last posted. no really interesting happened or maybe i'm just too lazy to blog. maybe the novelty of blogging is sloooowly wearing off...:)
took lucky for his grooming session yesterday. he needs to look fresh and tidy for the coming new year. :) and joanna took me mm have a lot of health problems... :( maybe i will have to think again before getting a mm as lucky's companion.
and its the time of the year for a BIG clothes shopping again! haha. still haven tot of what to wear for the new year yet. and i'm thinking of getting a new shirt for lucky this year so we can bring him out. afterall, its the year of the dog, isnt it? and i do hope those kpo people will really stop asking me whether i'm continuing my studies not. really, its my own choice, isnt it? and pls stop dropping really BIG hints that being a graduate will bring me lots of money. pls... is it really true? bleah!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
pet stroller, i repeat, pet, not baby stroller!

hehe, the picture on the left is really a stroller for a dog. not one for parents to put wailing babies in. found this product from a onl website that sells dog's products. (www.petpylove.com) the picture do not belong to me and is a property of petpy love.
kind of cute and convient product for dog owners. tempted to get one esp when its pricing is almost that of a normal carrier...
while looking at this product i can just imagine the curious looks on my relatives' faces if i push this stroller to my grandma's house during cny. they would sure come up to ask who have a baby. imagine their looks of horrors if they peer into the stroller, and what they see is lucky wearing a shirt!! haha. i guess some of my relatives (those who detest dogs and find dogs should be ban) might even FAINT right on the spot!! haha... anyway, even if i have the money to buy this, don think i might have the guts to bring it out. people would sure be staring. but maybe i could ask around to see who might be able to rent it to me on cny...hehehe.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
time flies! its 2006 and my precious is now 8 yrs old! i was refusing to believe this yesterday afternoon and even spent a bit of my time counting back from the yr i got him... gosh, this is so scary. for once my maths didnt fail me! EIGHT! somehow it felt just like yesterday when we just bought the teeny weeny mess of black home.
now he's getting on in years i'm like developing this kind of habit. will observe him for any weird behaviours and get all panicky when something abnormal happen.. sigh~ why do dogs have such a short lifespan!!!! but i'm still thankful that he came to me on THAT fateful day!
oh dear, i'm talking like he's gone. TOUCHWOOD! the day is still far, far away!
so why am i writing all these crap? becuz i was reading a person's blog on his doggy's death... it was so, so, so sad! and the cute doggy was only 8yrs yet diagnosed with kidney diease. :( i'm worrying for pl's doggy too...
ok, think i had better switch out this mood. afterall lucky is still as naughty and healthy as can be. and he actually survived the short stay with his dogma while we went to malaysia to attend my cousin's wedding! he came back all normal!! but i think for 2006 i have better start praying(or issit chanting?) for everybody including lucky's good health..
and something worth celebrating: oreo have passed his 2nd b-day!!! *cheers* and still gg strong! won say more...
got to end(lucky is hungry again!)