Wednesday, November 30, 2005
today is not my day.
today is definitely NOT my day! -_- went bugis street shopping yet i couldnt find a single thing to my liking. then went for manicure and the next minute- all my nails got scraped. grrr! waste of money!
but my mood did improved after i went simei to look at the puppies. ewwww! >_< puppies are just all so adorable! there were four pugs sitting in a row waiting for their food. and the tiny roboroskis are so cute! nearly bought a pair home. dangerous!
and i met mr humphries on the train to bugis! what a surprise. he certainly aged a lot. we chatted for quite a while, then he need to get off at tanah merah station, and i forgot to ask his contact no from him! argh!
at least all the bad things are gone and over with. so unlucky that i couldnt find any clothes. they sell out so fast at bugis. looking forward to this sat thou. da gu said she's bringing all of us to the movies. wonder why she's so generous all of a sudden thou. any ulterior motive? haha....
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
the new shampoo smells weird...
took my bb to the petshop oppersite my block to shop for a new bottle of shampoo. his was expired bout one mth and i didnt even realise till few days ago! hai, some owner, huh?
as usual the petshop owner thot he was just a puppy. -_- told me to 'carry your puppy'... and she recommended me this new medicated shampoo for lucky. just gave him a shower just now and the shampoo smells weird. i duno if its me or what, his coat feels drier after the shampooing...
the petshop owner introduced me this new milk for older dogs for calcuim and flaxseed oil for dog! think im getting the flaxseed oil, but the milk... have to consider again. its been so long since he've touched milk!
and after today's tutoring lesson i'm finally JOBLESS! have to work extra hard in finding a job and must think before spending. yet tomorrow i'm still gg bugis shopping... haha.
hope i find a job soon! (so can buy MORE clothes plus the cute bed for lucky. :P)
Monday, November 21, 2005
best harry potter movie ever!
went to watch harry potter and the goblet of fire this morning and i would definitely vote this movie as the BEST harry potter movie ever made. thumbs up to mike newell! of all three harry potter movie, this is the one that i would even re-watch. its really fantastic. as what daniel radcliffe said, mike newell really capture the gist of boarding school. he also finally brought out the real fred and george. really funny and comical. but all the male actors' hair are really TOO long! haha.
even though some parts of hp are changed, the main story is still there. yet it brings excitement to people who've read the books. as usual, if u've nvr read the book, you most probably won know what's going on. a lot of work have certainly been done on the set. just the part of the tent, which only lasts bout 3 mins at most, is set up very nicely. not to mention also the quiddich world cup (which ended before it even began, haha), which was done up really spectacularily. the seats for the audience are all designed very beautifully and cleverly too. i'm really surprise at the skill of the acting of the young actors. especially cho chang, who had absolutely no acting experience before. now i finally know why they chosen katie leung as cho chang. and harry potter's expression was SO funny when he saw hagrid and madam maxime together... (^_^)
in all, a really fantastic movie! i just HOPED that mike newell will continue to direct the next movie. (^_^)
after the movie we went grandma's house. then at there i saw a really cute female yorkshire... so tiny and gentle. make my heart ache for another yorkshire... :P
Sunday, November 20, 2005
more visit to pet movers!!
took lucky to pet movers just now. its less crowded on sat afternoon... which is a good thing. since lucky gets more intimidated when there are a lot of people. finally bought the ear-cleansing liquid for him too. his ears getting kind of smelly and dirty. lots of wax building up in there. (yucks!) so tml gg to give him a good clean up... (^_^)
the ear cleansing liquid was kind of x thou. then dad was doing the paying so he complained... :P saw the superstar sliver in pet movers too. was carrying a cavaliar charles king's spaniel puppy. i even let lucky run in the dog run. but he's too afraid to even leave me... (-_-) need to bring him out more often to socialise.
then there was this really cute chi hua hua who climbed onto my lap immdiately when i bend down to release lucky. so cute!!! a chi hua hua as a second dog seems like a good idea. haha...
hope can bring lucky to pet movers more often as its quite a good place for dogs and people to interact...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
surprise box!
hehe, if u take a look at my 'main' there's a little box there. saw it at a cute website. its suppose to be a surprise box. some cute graphics will 'pop' out of the box after sometime. haha. if u like it pls do not steal but instead adopt it from fiannas toybox.
and if u first visit my site, u can see that snowflakes is falling gently from the top. the snowflake is kind of ugly. pls bear with it at the moment while i search the net for a snowflake with a transparent background. i cant try making it since my only photoshop program doesnt support it. thinking of buying the adobe photoshop program so i can play with pixel art. (^_^)
yesterday got caught in the heavy rain and after that the sun when i went for job interview. now i feel weird all over. like a flu bug is coming... ugrh.
k, that's all for now. going to bring lucky out to pet movers. :)
Friday, November 18, 2005
new blog skin!
my blog has a new skin again! (^_^) super love this skin since i did everything from scratch. of course, that is, excluding those graphics. i simply lack talent in graphic designing. :P spent bout 3days working on this skin, as i wasnt sure bout the part of the script where u can click certain part of the picture and it leads u to another part of the blog. but finally figured it out! yeah! but this skin will only be up for xmas, to liven up the xmas spirit. after that i will change skin again... maybe the nyanko one i've prepared earlier.
added the 'me' section which tells more information about myself! haha. do browse round. and if u like the graphics and would like to use them for ur site, visit the 'credits' section... :)
went for a job interview just now and i was totally bummed out... (>_<) a total failure! not going to describe it ANYMORE! at least its a lesson learnt when i go job-hunting.
now i need to unwind myself by playing MAPLE!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
jimmy spa's new books
went to popular yesterday to shop for presents for my students. i'm ending my short tutoring career soon and think it would be nice to give them a small going-away present. afterall, they both had worked really hard for their yr-end exams and deserved a reward. hmm, still wondering if i should buy the clear file for one of my students. excluding toys, buying presents for kids are hard!
saw a lot of new novels at popular and times bookshop. finally saw the newest jimmy spa's five books of short stories bout little kids. as usual its very well-drawn. flipped thru one of the books when i was at popular. the short story bout 'bao zi tou'(if loosely translated, its bun-head) was cute and funny. buying the whole set of books would cost me bout $100. woo~ expensive! but i going to save up for it anyway. :P or maybe i could persuade each of my family members to buy one book each for me as xmas present while i buy the last book myself. haha!
besides 'shi le yuan' als saw some books that i think i'm buying after i've the books i've borrowed out from the library. like the chronicles of narnia and shopaholic's series. both sounds like interesting reads...
Sunday, November 13, 2005
san-bao passed away.....
hmm, quite a lot happened since i last post. firstly, san-bao passed away just like that on wednesday nite... :( was about to feed him that nite when i realised he's just lying there, not moving at all. his death was so sudden. but glad that he died of old age and not because of some suffering ilness. at least he died peacefully. think i'm not going to get any more hamsters for the time being. its just so sad when they die...
yesterday was just like lucky's birthday. we took him all the way to west coast park for the clean and green carnival. bought a lot of things for him too. first he got a new shirt again...haha. come to think of it,wonder why we buy him the new shirt too. and there was the dog bakery booth, so we bought him a bag of home-baked cookies. the cookies smell nice, think i might actually take a bite...haha, joking.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
my family series finished!

another glitter graphic. hello kitty this time. cute? (^_^)
finished the series my family on mon. really nice series! thou the ending was kind of crappy. *spoilers!!* esp when ha yu(the dad) and ah ye were kidnapped and the place where they were held hostage turns out to be the empty house next to their own house! haha. how can such coincidences happen? then ha yu keep trying ways and means to let his family see him but too bad...haha. but its kind of shitty when shirley yeung and harwick lau got together then broke up because harwick's character didnt treasure shirley yeung. harwick lau as freeman is definitely worth mentioning in this series. his acting improved so much since a kindred spirit (which is where i first notice him). and another discovered gem in him: his voice! his voice is SOO nice in this drama..hmm why he didnt cut an album?
got lots to say bout this drama actually. think i might be starting a small website just dedicated to writing reviews on tvb dramas...haha...

feeling kind of bored and decided to play with the glitter graphics... nice?
Sunday, November 06, 2005
p4 syllabus, so fast?
kids these days have far more things to do than me, a 19 yr old. (O_o) for example, when i went for tuition lesson this morning, my student's mum had already bought him his books for next year. so now i can start teaching him his p4 work! isnt that too fast? his exams is just over! so what does playing and relax comes in? but he seems excited bout his new books... so what can i say. and i'm supposed to help him picked up new assessments on tues..whew!
hmm, just couldnt find time to take lucky to pet movers. planning to go next sat but i think have to be postponed again, since next week we have to go to our neighbours' house warming party and abe is coming!! :P
Friday, November 04, 2005
bugis street shopping
wah~ MY LEGS ARE BREAKING! MY HEAD IS CRACKING TOO! haha. what a day! woke up at 7 and since then i've never even taken a short nap yet. now i'm really tired. tomorrow i still have to woke up early to accompany my parents for a trip to tiong bahru market to buy fresh and nice ingredients for our steamboat dinner. why? because tomorrow is my brother's birthday!
woke up today at 7 with a terrible tummy ache. so terrible that my tummy still ache when i was at the void deck of my student's house. in the end i had to cancelled today's lesson. it was such a waste of busfare. but i cant possibly teach when i'm not feeling well. so i head home instead.
after a short rest(plus a few rounds of majong. haha) at home me and my sis hit the streets again! (^_^) haha. went bugis to buy my brother's birthday present. 'shua-gu' me haven visited bugis street yet since its revamp. really big and good improvement they had done to the whole stretch of shopping streets.
firstly they added some kind of air-con that improve the ventilation inside there. so it wasnt so stuffy when u shopped. this is DEADLY important for someone like weak me, who will almost faint just from a teeny weeny lack of oxygen supply. :P also they partitioned a big section off to sell finger food. which is nice. erm, its always nice to eat and shopped at the same time. but too bad i had stomach discomfort, so no-no for the oily finger food. ate korea food at bugis food court instead. very nice for food-court standard. but i ate only half of the food and gave the rest to my sis. all because of my tummy again.. :(
bugis street had so many shops that my eyes got dizzy just shopping around. helped mum bought a perfume for guys as a present for my bro. then my sis bought a bag for him. after that my sis went round buying pants. think i'm going back there the next, next week after i've got my pay for a 'xue-ping'. haha. think the worst thing i've ever learnt from my idol maxiaoling is being a spendrift! oh dear, such a bad habit... always having plans for my next pay even before i get it... maybe its just a natural, inborn instinct for gals?
after that we headed back to the nice and comfy air-con shopping center. there i bought a watch for my bro. quite nice. even paid extra money for a box to go with the watch. my bro better like the watch! haha. then saw the mickey printed clothes... MUST-BUY! my mind is made up to go back to bugis to shop! haha.
i even bought a doggy biscuits and a new bell for lucky when we arrived at tampines mall. didnt know lucky actually LIKED getting presents till mum and dad got back from their trip last week with only presents for the humans. the look he gave me when i unwrapped the plastic bags then. in the end he peed on the bags even... -_- so this time got him a little gift. :)
haha... lucky really liked the bell and biscuits. unwrapped his 'presents' for him the moment i got home and changed. gosh, he even sat still and hung his head low for me to put on his collar for him...haha. vain doggies.
and just now finally found time to watch the short video my jie had made for her u project and had kindly made a copy for me. gosh my jie soo mature when captured on screen! quite a nicely made video. too quiet with the absence of background music. but can see they really made an effort to produce the video. and i really salute the guys in the video: need to touch and hold bras! haha.
kk, a really long and boring blog. guess its because i'm tired.. Zzz...and after all those walking and looking and buying, i actually forgot to help lucky buy a birthday present for my bro (O_o) plus a wedding anniversary gift for mum and dad! urgh! think i'm going to tampines mall tml afternoon.
sQ: haha, of coz i'm still into hk dramas! :P of all my blog entries, u had to stumbled upon the one on hk dramas review (which i only write once in a blue moon)!! anyway, think i'll only stopped watching hk dramas when tvb close down... haha.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
life made simple
yeah! the longly awaited life made simple is FINALLY out! (^_^) ok, its not really, completely out yet. but i've saw post on forums saying that the tapes have started coming over since mon. think i'm going to borrow the tapes as soon as the whole set has arrived. haha, cant wait. don think daddy like to watch this kind of dramas so i may as well borrow them out of my own money. :P
i've really loved square pegs and since life made simple is supposedly a 'part 2' of square pegs, so i think its worth a watch. haven started the series and i've already find people commenting roger's character in life made simple is really irritating and his haircut is weird. ok, in truth, his haircut in life made simple is REALLY weird... its almost 100x worser than that in square pegs. haha. kind of got a shock when i first saw it. but his acting was excellent in square pegs. (at least, better than some stupid dramas i've seen who's trying to mimic roger. ) made the character of ah wong really sweet and innoccent. anyway, more comments only after i start on the series.
someone in jessica's forum had also kindly scanned in the front cover of issue 438. jessica and roger was on the front cover...oh my! what a nice front cover! haha. just hope that sg stock of tvb mags won stop during issue 438. really must buy that issue...its a collectible! :P
met pl for a short while this morning to get back my cd-roms. ate mac breakfast together. and since i was late (again...:p) and she was rushing to sch we had a really rushed breakfast. fastest i've ate a mac breakfast. haha.
but the both of us still managed to chat bout our beloved tvb (^_^) over our short time together. haha,i know, tvb craze. life in u seems so hard for her but i cant do anything. just hoped that her holidays will come soon so we can go shopping together...
after returning i went back to tm again. this time is to accompany mummy. needed to buy a hari raya gift for our new neighbours...wah, didnt realise she can be so scary when shopping. :P cant made up her mind bout what to buy. took so long to decide. but one benefit from this trip was that i finally found the gelatine needed in making oreo cheesecake. next problem is getting a electric mixer. wonder if i should buy one or just settle with a normal whisk and let my bro do the mixing. haha. seems kind of bad.
kind of lazy lately to comment on the tvb dramas i'm watching..missed shades of truth and strike at heart. both are really nice dramas just that i hadnt the time to write a comment for them... anyway, the series i'm watching now (my family) is really nice too! praises to harwick lau, whose acting skills really improved a lot eversince in a kindred spirit. didnt know he could sing so well too...haha. and the core character in my family will surely be the grandpa ( or ah ye). everyone looks for him whenever they have troubles and surprisely ah ye would always give them good advise... watching this series kind of made me fantasize bout my own grandpa, who left me when i was just one. what would it be like if he is still around?...
lucky had constipation again today. urgh. been acting so weird all day. just hope that he poo tomorrow so we can bring him down to pet movers. :)
got to go take a look at him...