Thursday, September 29, 2005
the real healing hands 3
browsing thru my clips and happen to see a tvb presentation clip i've dl a while ago. the clip showed the original cast of healing hands 3. actually i would had like this casting of healing hands 3 better. since louis is in it. but he played a doctor who had died from SARS. instead of new pairing, bowie was paired with flora! they make a better pair actually. particularly liked the scene where flora was waiting outside the hospital for bowie and bowie was watching from the third floor. so sweet. (^_^) annie and julian was in this hh3 too. remember jie say the casting for this show is too good, will never come thru. hai... its good to imagine how nice if this version of hh was filmed thou.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
was surfing the net for mdwav3 information and i came across some really nice screenshots of maxiaoling (joey meng). so i may as well post them here. she's really pretty!! (>.<) all pictures are taken from the drama, mdwav3 and from the website stated in the pics. ma xiaoling's style of wearing is way cool in the show. of course, i must add that she has a nice figure so the clothes fit her well. :) her hair... cool too...

first pic, closeup of her fringe. admire greatly by my jie, my sis and me too. haha. makes her even prettier.
hmm, this pic is kind of blurred. shows her 'zhan-pao'...thats all for now... will post more pics in future. daddy is waiting for me to start on shades of truth...
Monday, September 26, 2005
adidog shirt.
went to upper serangoon rd in the afternoon and bought lucky the adidog shirt. haha. he looks so cool wearing it! (O_0) i've also bought this new bathing sand for my hammies. the shopkeeper told me its apple flavoured. haha. still haven open the bathing sand yet to see if the shopkeeper is lying to me. then saw robos at the shop... imported from holland and selling at $18 a pair. woo~ robos are just so cute with their white eyebrows and ever-lasting energy...
esther carried this dwarf bunny from the shop and oh... it looks SO much like a tame puppy. :) think i might keep a dwarf if time permits. haha. anyway, , more research on bunnies first, i think. and i must add the guinea pigs are VERY cute too.
after ogling at the little critters from the petshop we went to ntuc to buy ingredients for the snack we are making: sushi! then we walk all the way to esther's house... hmm, making sushi is a sticky affair. haha. think we're not prepared enough. should have gotten plastics glove. and the sushi i've made are all so disgusting looking! now i've a phobia with sushi. :P
then esther told me she's moving back to the east! *yeah* next time i have accompany to go to doggy restaurants. (^_^)
i wonder why maxiaoling from mdwav3 is SO cool! hehe. she's my idol and target man. falling in love with the show. its such a torture having only two episodes every week. think i'm buying the vcds set soon. cant stand it.
Sunday, September 25, 2005
touched by my student's sincerity
was really touched and surprised this morning when my student made me a cup of crysanthuman(i don know how to spell it!!) tea during his break. i was giving tuition this morning when my allergy kicked and there i was, sneezing like crazy. then my kind student made me a cup of hot tea! he says that will eased up my sneezing... haha. how sweet. :D
channel u showing a lot of tvb new drama! greed mask, armed reaction iv, vigilante force and even truimph in the skies! so happy i can see issac again. haha. but i've watched all these dramas before..hope they will show some dramas i havent seen before yet. like the new jap drama white tower. cant wait!
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
maple is back!
*hooray* i've fixed maple! so now i can finally go fight monsters! hehe.
cleaning out my room just now and realise my room had turned into a breeding ground for dust bunnies. no wonder i sneeze every morning! haha.
think i'm buying a small frying pan so i can:
-let mum make pan cakes
-melt cheese to make a sauce for lucky's spagetti
-make spagetti tomato sauce from scratch
kk, just a short blog. i'm gg to play maple!
Friday, September 16, 2005
my student improved!
so happy to hear that one of my student had improvements in two of his subjects, maths and science. i was quite worried when xx(have to protect my student's privacy) told me that not only did his ca2 marks did not improve, it even dropped. kind of depressed. does it means i'm a bad teacher or he's a bad student? but his chinese marks dropped too and that was certainly none of my business. then yy( another of my student) said that his english marks had dropped too, that got me worried. so from now till their sa i've got to worked them really hard, esp english. then i will be quiting the job in november. got to admit i feel kind of sad to leave my students. but as the chinese saying goes: tian xia wu bu shan zi yan xi...
today was my first time to buy a 'subway' sandwich(i know, i qualify as the queen of dork) and boy what a true and blue dork i was! i won be going thru my stupid mistake here. and the workers must be wondering why on earth such a skinny gal would have such a appitite of finishing a footlong sandwich by herself? but hey, i cant possibly say, 'oh, i'm buying a footlong sandwich, takeaway, its for my whole family.' i guess if i did bother to explain, it would only confirm their doubts that this gal REALLY has a BIG appetite. haha.
the sandwich was quite okay... maybe i should finish ALL of subway's sandwiches before coming to a verdict. mummy divided the sandwich to six parts so everyone in the family could taste it. when my sis was eating her part of the sandwich when one piece of veggie dropped from it. and -swopped- my dog was there 'clearing' up the mess. my blood kind of ran cold when my sis told me that they add onions in the sandwich. since dogs cant eat onions and the veggie that he ate just now did looked like an onion. but it all turned out to be worrying on my part. *whew*
anyway, 4th october is WORLD ANIMALS DAY! my dog lucky 'decided' to make that day his birthday, since we missed his june bday this year. anyway, 4/10 should be every animals' bdae, so please be EXTRA nice to every passing animals on the street that day. afterall, it doesnt hurts to have a bit more love in this world, right?
k, time to answer to the call of my stomach...
Saturday, September 10, 2005
downloaded this new online game today. its call 'gopets'. of course, as the name suggest, this game has something to do with pets. u create a pet (either a dog or a cat) and it kind of live on ur desktop when u open the program. plus it goes round visiting other people who has the same interest as u. my pet is a pure white dog call cotton. haha. its looking at me writing this blogger entry now. but i got to admit, it kind of gets boring after a while... haha.
just finished watcing one episode of shades of truth. oh my, julian's character is so funny and comical. his acting is so good...
Friday, September 09, 2005
movie 'the cave'
treat my siblings to a movie 'the cave' since it was their holidays. if i'm not wrong, this's the first time ever that i watched a thriller in a cinema. i usually go for comedy, love story or cartoons when going to the movies.
feel like of restricted actually watching thrillers in cinemas since i don have any cushions to hug nor can i scream when the scenes get too exciting. haha. anyway the movie was real good. quite a good scare i had. i guess i wouldnt do HALF the things the explorers did in the movie. there isnt much plot in this movie thou. i guess the director just played around with the word 'escape' for this movie. there is some vampire element in the movie too. but that is just a thought from me. haha. hmm, and the lead actor, tyler, was good looking too. i think there will be a part two to this movie. maybe they can entittle it 'the city', since the parasite made it out to the open. opps. spoilers!
and while walking round cineleisure(thats where we went to see the movie) i found the perfect replacement for my pekkle(the softoy duckie i hug to sleep everynight) in 'more than words'. i havent buy it yet. since i still cant part with pekkle. just hope it stays there long enough for me. :)
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
recent snap shots
nap time! of course he didnt know how to hug the teddy to slp. i put it between his arms. haha. he loves taking a nap from 5-6pm.

how smart can my dog be? haha. he look quite smart standing like that so i guess tat was y i took the shot. haha.

this snapshot was taken right after we took him back from the groomer. the groomer was very nice to add a bow on his head with no extra charges. ok, got to admit he look like a gal with the bow. maybe that's y the groomer added the bow. haha.

another closeup of the green bow. haha.

ta-da! for the few times i'm included in my dog's pics! how could i not take photos with my dog? so from now on i will try to take photos with him. :)
back from a shopping spree :)
i've finally bought my 3/4 pants! plus a pair of white shorts at quite a reasonable price too. with my meagre pay i've of coz no choice but to go for cheaper clothes. but what matters is the clothes looked right on me. no point paying a lot of money for something that makes u look horrible. (mind you, i know people who does tat.)
besides my pants i bought a pair of pink slippers too. the converse slippers i'm wearing now is threatening to break any moment and i've no choice but to buy a new pair. but i like my new slippers, they're quite pretty actually. just hope the print on it will last.
i know its bad for my feet if i keep wearing slippers since exposing them to the dry weather will cause one to have cracked heels. and mine are showing signs already. (0_o) maybe i'll invest in a tube of foot scrub and also feet mosturiser. then buy a pair of shoes when i have the extra cash. but i hate the feeling when i sweat while wearing shoes.
also, i saw a shop that sells nice flip-flops at 9.90 when i was shopping at cs yesterday. i really hope to have a pair. :P haha. i just dunno y, i LOVE slippers, they are just so cool and easy to wear. just slip them on when u go out. no socks or tying of shoe laces needed. of coz reality differs. even though the flip-flops are cheap and pretty, my mum were nag me to hell if i really buy them, since i already have a pair of slippers and i will be setting a bad example for my siblings. bother.
last item on my shopping list just now was the book by jeffery archer. its entittled 'sons of fortune'. i've read the blurb. its tells bout a pair of boy twins who were separated from birth. yep, kind of dramatic. haha. i've already started on the book and its nice.
this story reminds me a bit of my grandpa. since my mum told me grandpa actually has a twin brother and they were separated from young too. my great-grandmother couldnt have children so all her children were bought. this includes grandpa. he nvr went to find his long lost twin bro. hmm, imagine going shopping one day to find my grandpa standing right next to me! haha, since grandpa is dead for bout 17 yrs it will be real shock! :P what a tot.
shopping is nice when u are spending your own money. now i feel VERY sastisfied. :) going to watch red eye tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
second blog today. teenagers are weird.
back from hammy cage cleaning and also tuition. :) nope, i havent taken the shotof oreo's re-decorated cage since i was running out of time and my low blood pressure was getting on to me. anyway, the word 'redecorated' just don stick with oreo's cage, since all i've done was just add a little wooden house to his cage.
hope he likes the new house i've got for him. but not too much until he starts PEEING on it. and that he sleeps to in his wooden house, shits and pees in the newly converted toilet and JUST run in his wheel. if he follows these simple rules he'll just be a normal black campbell dwarf instead of a satin coat one.
more furniture will be added to his (and sanbao's) cage soon, i promised. :)
reading one blog recommended by friday weekly and i think i've reached a conclusion that most teenagers from 13-15 loves rebelling adults. i wonder if i'm like this too when i'm that age. i just remember a lot of a-maths book-throwing. anyway, i do hope my sis stop acting like a pill and understands my parents 'ku xin'. my family already have enough problems without her adding on more.
gtg, time for shade of truth. julian is just so cute and natural!
i want to buy 3/4 pants...
went shopping yesterday and just now. wanted to buy 3/4 pants so i can wear them to my tuition. they are more casual than jeans yet more than formal than shorts. (>.<) maybe its me being too stingy...all the pants i saw were quite x. hai. wonder where i can buy cheap pants! the worse thing was i saw so many things that i wanted to buy besides that 3/4 pants. BUT i cant possibly spend the money before i buy the pants. heh, very troublesome.
after watching the first episode of mdwav3 on sunday the thought of buying the vcds keep coming into me. ma xiaoling is still so cool as ever with her mini skirt and her sharp tongue! i like the part where she said that she was a bad teaching example. funny. think i'm buying the vcds when i get my next pay. cant wait to hear ma xiaoling's cool voice again!
off to clean and redecorate my hammie's cage... post photos later.
books i want to buy:
- james herriot's animals tales
- jeffery archer's book (forgot the tittle)
Friday, September 02, 2005
my english is detoriating...
was reading my past blog entries just now and realise my usage of the english language...its detoriating! *gasp* i wonder why this is so. my entries just seems to get worser and worser. maybe i'm not reading enough? maybe i should re(multiply by god-knows what number)-read hp book series again to get the correct inspiration on writing. i just hope that this is the MAX. i cant let my english (which is already very bad) get any worser!!
and its been a long time i've written an article in chinese too. if only daddy have bought the write pad! then i could post blog entries in chinese too. haha!
yup, before i end, a note to all my friends ( haha, only a small percent knew bout my blog's existence), i've changed my email add. pls stop sending mail to the hotmail account (which from now on will be for newsletter and stuff only) and ask me for my new email add. thanx!
i must love lucky more...
went to pet safari to do a bit of shopping for my pets just now to find it not open for business yet... (0_o) so i had to walk around east point mall like a wandering ghost till the pet safari opened. i went to popular too and found out the book i was reading by dan brown bout the illumanti was actually 'angels n demons', and not 'the da vinci code' as i initially thought it was. (-_-) found a really nice chinese book on dogs which enlighted me bout the way i should treat lucky.
dogs, unlike humans, would not be happy if the owner buys nice and expensive stuff for it. instead, it just wants the owner's love. simple, isnt it? but i guess lots of people don really understand this point. so from now on i'm gg to change the way i interact with lucky. (whip him 3 times a day instead of 1...haha. tat was a joke) my target:
- daily brushing of fur
- daily brushing of his teeth
- daily walks (2 times)
- talk to him more!
some people might find this crazy i guess. but you'll nvr know bout all this unless u really own and love ur dog.