Sunday, August 28, 2005
new blog layout abandoned
back! (^_^) quite a lot of things happened in the entertainment circle while i was away from the net. well, they are not really new, just that its new to me...anyway, after so long tcs finally did something worth cheering for! they will be showing my date with a vampire 3 every sunday at 11pm starting from next week! but i think they will only be showing one episode every week and its a 40 episode show i think... maybe if the the show nice i'll buy the vcds to watch instead. and tvb will be filming truimph in the skies 2! but only ron of the original cast will remain. i'm quite ok with it since they asked jessica to join tits2! other actors include liza wang and alex fong i think. pl said they invited louis for this drama but he rejected the offer...too bad. :( (imagine how sauve he'll look in a pilot outfit and he will be working with jessica! ) niki and kevin are fliming a new drama too. hope the ending of the drama will be change...
i've abandoned the idea of changing my skin even though the new skin is almost ready. find it too small if i post snapshots. so now i'm back on searching for suitable web materials for my skin...
and i'll be finishing split second soon! four more episodes to go! the guys in this show are all psycho case thou.. all so rash and daring! been listening to frankie's singing for the herbalist affair and i cant wait to rent that show!
Monday, August 22, 2005
sian of tutoring.
today i asked my two students one question: you are a doctor who's very smart and earn lots of money from a single op. one day, a patient who's critically ill visits you and wants u to cure him. but he has no money to pay you, would u cure him?
here's their ans:
1. nope, since he has no money.
2. yes, will cure. (with this ans i qns him back that the patient has no money to pay u at all. he simply replied that he cant let the patient die.)
of coz i'm quite touched with my student 2's ans and dissappointed with student 1. i wonder if this tests how compassionate or smart a person is.
kind of depressed now. why? coz i made my student cried just now! really don know if i'm in the wrong. but if the mum really wants to give me the sack i've no choice but to accept. BUT i must clarify that i nvr did scold nor beat him. i nvr even raised my voice at him! was teaching him this problem sum he doesnt understand. i'm not sure if the fault lies with me that i'm bad at explaining or just that he's too tired to concentrate. but one thing for sure is that he's simply not listening and just waiting for me to give him the ans. so no way was i gg to do that. i explained the problem one last time, drew him the model and left. then he cried. hai!
i' really giving up hope in tuition. just too bad at it... :( nevertheless i still have to give it all my best till the end of the year...
will be gg on hiatus for bout few days till my new broadband modem arrives.. then i'll be back on maple and even more onl games. meanwhile i'll be redecorating my hammies' hse..will post the progress either here or on my website... tata!
Sunday, August 21, 2005
new blog layout soon...cant wait!
been surfing personal websites these few days. all of them are sooo well-made! hope when mine is ready it'll be half as good as theirs. (^_^) all of them have really nice pixel art too! but one disadvantage is these websites have the trend of using small size font... now my eyes hurt a bit from looking... :P
ok, some updates on my computer work: working on a new cinnamoroll blogskin since yesterday. most of the css stuff are guessworks and assumptions on my part thou, so hoping everything will fit when it is finished. and the artwork are 'borrowed' from other people's webby, but i will be putting a link back to all of them. attempting how to draw pixel art too. but my art are ALL so horrible!!! haha.( i've ask sis to take a look at it, but she say its quite cute... *yeah* ) lets hope the phrase practice makes prefect will make some sense here. finishing the 'thinking' part and also found a cinnamoroll pic that will fit my website layout. yes, cinnamoroll will again be the theme for my website layout... i've even thought out a second layout! haha. but will only be working on the website after i've finished my blogskin.
the matchmaker came to visit my tama yesterday and she was mated to this tama who looks like he's wearing a helmet. and poof! i've got a baby gal again! four generations straight of gals! don really mind thou, since gal or boi doesnt makes a difference in here. but i hope i will get a baby mimitchi this time. will be pausing my tama from tml onwards since i'll be busy tutoring. exams period...
my agent still hasnt got round to finding me new students. i don like her attitude of pushing every available job she has for me even though i've stated i want jobs that are walking distance from my house. if i still cant find anymore students i'll quit earlier than december. maybe after my students have finished their sa2. don think tutoring is the job for me.
pl caught chicken pox! so unlucky esp since sch has just started for her. now we cant go to see the movie drink, drank, drunk! hope she gets well soon.
ok, gg off for dinner. i cant resist the aroma from the xi yau kai (soy-sauced chicken) daddy has cooked!
Friday, August 19, 2005
passed by the game shop just now and found out another good fact of the nds: it can play game boy advance game cartridges too! so if i buy the nds, i can play pokemon! ^_^ have to save up for it. the mp3, although nice, just don have a good effect on me. still feel sleepy whenever i take the bus in the morning...
then fell in love with the samsung e530c... so nice. but know its too far a dream for me... $600+! anyway, i don really believe in spending so much on a phone when it will be replace a yr or so later...
so many wishes, so much money... yet i earn so little! haha...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
i've sth to do!!
finally found sth to do! whew, the idea struck me while i was teaching. planning to convert to change my blogsite to a blogsite plus personal website. will be kind of tedious i think. since i cant make my own graphics, so now searching high and low for suitable graphics... found background already. hope this time i can do it...
started my tamagotchi a few days again. and my tama evolved into a mametchi(i think so...) whew...thank god. was thinking it will grow ugly again. mimitchi here i come!! ^_^
talked to kiaming just now. so long nvr stayed in touch... but glad to find a 'real' person to discuss harry potter with. hai, don no why my family have so few readers. i can only picked up kiaming, fifth uncle and me in the family who reads for pleasure! come on, reading is FUN! haha... and i still dono the tittle of the book by dan brown fifth uncle gave me..haha.
kk, stomach's rumbling... gotta go eat (and watch ups and downs in the seas of love)...
Monday, August 15, 2005
bored to TEARS!
i'm bored....BORED TO TEARS! dunno why its so boring online today. there was some problem with maplestory so i cant play game. still waiting for replies for the sales of wee pad. BORING. so, what should i do to keep myself entertained? and the local channel #$%^! pls rack ur own brains for better programs instead copying. now i only have split sec... :P
Friday, August 05, 2005
charlie and the chocolate factory plus quill
went to see charlie and the chocolate factory today with phuiling...(oh god, i actually helped her skip classes!!) was a last min decision since we met and had nothing to do besides talking. ok, bout the movie.
the oompaloompa(s) was REALLY weird looking! they actually got this one man to do all the actions then somehow duplicate it on the computer(i guess). so all the oompaloompas was just one person. but the songs they sang were quite nice actually. the movie was almost similar to the real novel, which is something quite nice. the chocolate river had look really nice until augusto(one of the character) fell into it and was covered in dripping chocolate. its like when i eat chocolate now i will think of that a fat boy once fell into chocolate. urgh. then there was this weird scene in the movie where the director put two men walking the world biggest and smallest dog together. so funny to see the difference in size in the two dogs! the squirrels in the movie were really cute too, look like my hamsters. haha.
after the movie we walked around. then phuiling accompany me to toy'r'us to buy the doll for my cousin. last stop was ts video shop before heading home and i found tvb's cd 'all bout men'! >_< style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; CURSOR: hand; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">
quill in episode 3 is 3 mths old now! he certainly has grown a lot! :)

quill developed a love for balls as he grow older. he always loves to pick tennis balls home from his walks. here's him encouraging a teenage boy to play baseball again. what an understanding dog!
quill's foster mummy giving him a goodbye hug. both his parents cant to see him off but its no choice. just thinking bout the scene makes me wants to cry. so unbearable! :(
really pissed off just now bout XX! of course being my elder i've to respect you. but why do this? its like u don trust me! like i said its not the money that matters! hai, dissappointed...
Monday, August 01, 2005
willl lucky really have children?
wah~ seems bout a week ago that i've logged in to and make an entry. haha. kind of busy with my onl games lately. *wink*
took lucky to this really nice groomer yesterday for his hair(or body)-cut. his fur was really getting too long and smelly... whew, think this time lucky finally settled for a fixed groomer. quite a nice lady who's really observant on her charges. then she told me bout somethings bout lucky that left me thinking till today! haha, have to some research first before making the decision. or rather, do some research to confirm my decision. anyway, her salon (for doggies, please) is call Paaws Image, located at 11 pasir ris farmway 2. interested dog owners can visit her.
picked up the booklet fifth uncle gave me some time ago and started reading it. this 'nameless' book... still dunno the tittle of the book yet but its definitely written by dan brown. hoping its the da vinci code, so i can save some money on buying the book. but its a real confuse novel for me. since i know little bout french, physics and christianity. so i'm considering 'muddling' thru the novel now... trying my best to understand the plot as best as possible. so far there isnt any mention of the mona lisa painting yet, only stuff bout Vatician and a group call the illumti...if anyone know if this is talking bout the da vinci code kindly drop me a msg at my tagboard. kk, time to do my research!