Thursday, July 21, 2005
little quill
start watching the japanese drama little quill today. have only finished the first episode and i'm deeply overwhelmed by emotions. little quill is a little tale bout a guide dog. now i know a guide dog has to undergo several separations from the people he liked in order to become a guide dog. guess i'll be dried up by the time i finish this drama... anyway, some screen caps from the drama.

little quill when he's a puppy. he's suppose to be labrador retriever-mix. but i think they used a pure puppy for this drama. very cute... (^_^)

little quill was so special as he had a birthmark shaped into a bird at his back...

little quill sleeping while on the way to his foster parents's hse. his foster parents loves dogs and had successfully raised two dogs before quill for the blind dog centre. i'd probably had died of heart-break if i'm quill's foster parents. still, there are people who need the dogs more than them...
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
maple story!
finished harry potter and the half-blood prince... this was the longest time i've taken to finish the harry potter series. might be re-reading ALL the harry potter books again to gather clues bout who on earth R.A.B is! what i know is he's certainly a death eater since he addressed voldemont at 'the dark lord'. what will happen to the order now that dumbledore has pass away? maybe harry will take over as leader. haha. touched by the loyalty given by ron and hermione. which i guess wouldnt exist in our real world. sometimes u just have to be thankful enough that some people nvr harm you, much less help you. most pressing questions bout book 7:
will hogwarts remain open?
will harry die?
will voldemont be killed? (hoped so....)
guesss it'll be another two yrs that i find out. and i will be 21 by then!
Monday, July 18, 2005
what will happen to hogwarts?
just a short blog while i'm fixing up somebody's skin. erm, i mean, the blogskin, not really the skin organ. haha. trying my best to read hp really slowwwwwly. but sometimes i just cant help flipping to the back of the book... haha. ok, gg...
Sunday, July 17, 2005
why did dumbledore die???
finally today's the release of harry potter and the half-blood prince! mine arrived at my house around eleven. been reading it as soon as i've finished breakfast. so far so good. haha. but i got itchy fingers in the end and flipped to the end of the book. and was really, really shocked to find the death of xxx! wonder how come rowling could bear to kill him? really wonder what would happen now that he's dead... just wish rowling could hurry up with the last book! (>.<)
been so busy lately that my tamagotchi is still in the pause mood. it requires too much time to care for. plus with my new addiction of playing online games i guess it would be 'waking up' for long. haha. just started on playing maplestory, a quite nice onl game. waiting for the new ro edition to come up... k, back to games!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
jay's acting sucks...:P
went to watch initial d with pl today. wah... should make edison or shawn the lead. both of them are soooo cool and handsome when it comes to car racing! (^_^) then anthony wong is a very good actor too. so funny when he keep getting drunk. haha. then so good at modifying the ae86. the movie setting was also very nice. filmed in japan and the mountain view was unbelieveable. only a ok story thou...
after that we went bugis walk walk. realise the bugis street was closed so we walked to bras brasah to buy magazines instead. haha. bought a book that teaches you how to beautify your dog. haha. was looking thru the book just now and saw this new hairstyle which i like to try on lucky. hehe, suppose to make his head look round, make him look more dumb. haha. cant wait to try it on him. and the book also teaches owners how to empty the anus thingy...(O_o)
the both of us took neoprint before gg home. the mrt was soooo packed when we headed home. how come the train company can increase the transpot fare yet no improved facilities for us, the commuters? they should at least increase the no of times each bus or train arrives. sometimes its so irritating waiting for the bus...
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
new com and mp3 player! (^_^)
just now went out with esther. she accompany me to pet safari. haha, or shld i say we went there just to ogle at the doggies and hammies! then we were looking at the hammies when this chinchilla who was sitting on his (or her?) owner's shoulder suddenly decided my shoulder was better. he jumped onto me! haha. luckily i was calm enough. nvr jump, scream or did anything that alarmed it. then keep clinging onto my hair. esther say animals like me too much. haha. :P
bought this new type of toilet sand for my hammy. it says on the package that when hammy peed on it and the urine has dried, there will be a fragrant smell! not sure if its true. but at least has better absorbent than the bath sand. we walked round the hammies' section till there's nothing to see. so we decided to meet next wed again. haha. go somewhere else look at hammy.
then when i reached home there will two surprise waiting for me! (>_<) so happy! anyway thanks dad... :)
Sunday, July 10, 2005
review on war and beauty
after bout a month i've finally finished war and beauty! (^_^) quite a show and what an ending! why this show won the hearts of soooo many hongkongers really wonders me. first, the story happening is slow thru-out (almost like those korean dramas...zzz) and it was so bloody when the concubines (even the empress) fought to win the heart of the emperor. no one was spared, that included servants and even unborn babies. and the emperor really disguested me! (>.<) so old and yet wanted gals as young as eighteen to be his wife. yuck! mind you, this things really did happened in the past! it was quite sad that just being the ruler of china and wanting to look grand, the emperor caused the unhappiness of so many gals.
of coz, there are some parts of the show worth watching. like that most of the setting was actually done in the forbidden city! so grand to see the snow! the costumes are also worth mentioning. they changed according to season and also status.
thumbs up to sheren tang (ru fei)! her character was so special! hard to say if she's good or bad. but i really admired her craftiness and also her courage to sacrifice herself for hong mo and on xi's freedom. the love story protrayed in this drama was weird too. or shld i say its all bout forbidden love. those men daring to fall in love with the emperor's women. sadest couple would probably be hong wu and on xi! finally escaped from the forbidden city and on xi met with an mishap! and ru fei may as well die.
in all its quite a sombre story. only the ending is nail biting enough...but the ending did really leave me sad...
p.s. the comments are just part of my thoughts and meant no harm to any others what so ever...
Friday, July 08, 2005
pls pay me!
2s10 class blog is up again. was busy to go and fix it. anyway, given it a new 'look'. now i have to msg or email everyone in our class again to tell them bout the blog. most people haven forgotten or don even know it existed! (O_o) don hope for much anyway. just hope they(esp gals!) will visit the site once in a while, blog to tell everyone how's life, leave a msg at the tagboard. guess the guys might be too busy to blog thou. anyway here's the website:
i wonder when's the parent going to pay me. late for four lessons! made me so short of cash. if she don pay me by sun i will have to cancel all my next week's outing. boo! (-_-) but this leaves me wondering if i shld remind the mum to pay me on the 12th lesson? oh bother! think i'd better stop worrying too much. time to go telly... take my word for it!
Thursday, July 07, 2005
my com is real old...(-_-)
decided to do a bit of blogging while waiting for the msn msger to load... (by this time my msn msger is already loaded) went to dl msn msger 7.0 yesterday and the idiot thing only inform me my com was incompatible when i've finished dl! what can i do except blame my com for being too old? when will we have enough $$ to buy a new com? yes, no deny bout it, my family is dead poor. (O_o)
anyway, unhappy things aside, since my dad DOES earn enough to pay the bills and so forth. my tama is still on paused mood. been too busy these few days to really look after it. today is the 7th! nine more days to lauch of harry potter and the half blood prince. my book is going to be delivered to my doorstep. just hope it will be early on 16th!
mum bought me the drama series of little Q. still haven started watching it thou. but i bet my tears are going to flood the room when i start. haha.
well, will update again soon....
Friday, July 01, 2005
will i recieve a bookmark like ms wong?
just a few hours ago i really felt like ms wong in shine on me, explaining to my student that he has to face things bravely instead of running away from his problems. will my words make an impact on him like ms wong's did to shek xiu puo? i hope so. but somehow i felt like an idiot talking crap just now. but he's so moody then its hard for me to teach him. what should i do?
finally everyone in the family seems to be recovering from our illness. even lucky. been re-reading barker's grub these few days. hoping to get some inspirations on how to cook better food for lucky.
finally its july 1st today! (^_^) cant wait till the 16th when harry potter and the half blood prince will be released! dad already placed an order for me thru his company. but just cant wait!!