Sunday, April 24, 2005
just removed a flea from lucky just now. first time in 7 yrs tat we found a flea on his body. haha, dunno if its lucky or unlucky. but kind of disgusting that flea like keep sticking there. poor boyboy now has a slightly swollen patch at where the flea was. hai, just now everybody was so gan jiong, dunno what to do. next time must read up more on how to deal with these kind of doggy emergencies. okie, tatz the update for today.
Friday, April 22, 2005
just finished fate twister's ending. haha. watched e show before but still watched it. but like e canto version nicer. at least xiaolei's real voice is cuter than e dubbed one. then tiansheng they called him dai D and xiaolei actually call lui-lui. cant wait for next week's square pegs! ah wong so cute. but hope tat roger's dubbed voice won be weird. just realised the month of bdae coming. die die, where to get $$ to buy pressies for my sis, mummy and my dearest jie? panic city! haha. really angry with the petshop tat esther and i went to buy her hammy. tat man try to be an know-it-all say 'sapphire and campbells' can interbreed. say until sapphire is dwarf breed. but in ACTUAL fact sapphire is a color belonging to winter white and WINTER WHITE AND CAMPBELLS CAN NOT X-BREED. that idiot man, shld do more reading before passing more info to ignorant breeders. hai. dunno what i can do to prevent hybirds being mass produce here...
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
eh eileen, me crazy com won allow me to leave a msg at ur tagboard. so may as well put it here. haha. me loved armed reaction too... hope nothing happed to cheng feng. and have a safe and happy trip!!
te-deng! new blog skin again! and this time the blogskin is totally designed by myself! but i did took the color scheme of the previous skin since i really liked the color. :) and everyone (me included) must learn to 'smile' like the golden retriever!
Saturday, April 16, 2005
not blogging today but posting up neoprints i've taken a while ago. yes, me love taking neoprint better than photos. but its that i loved e decorating part. haha...

the three piggies! haha. but i still tink bro shld have have wear a crown to look more compatible with us. but the crown fit us. :P

me and my dearest jie!! haha. loved the bubbles and heartz..

me and bro..taken quite a long time ago but just scanned it inside the com. liked e sunflowers which made everything so cheery! (^o^)
Saturday, April 02, 2005
gg out
yesterday went with esther to visit jas at her workplace. she working at a small restaurant then asked us to patronise her. haha. as her long time friend i help her do a bit of publicity. restaurant's name is called 'nexus goument'. at 161 telok ayer street. its a western restaurant that sells a reasonable price. tried the beef lasagne there. quite ok. then esther ordered a ice cream brownie. nice too. haha, jas lucky le. found a rich bf then working at their family restaurant. haha. maybe from now on i shld change goal. which is to find a rich bf! suppose to accompany esther go buy her hammy after lunch. but in the end went to orchard to find a jap petshop. wah, the magazine cheat me, only sell so few japanese pets product. dissappointment. visited borders then. its been so long sice i visit there and i still find it a nice place. maybe next time i'm free shld take one day's time to just go there. found shrek's soundtrack too! but its a pity that its so x!
finished angels of mission today. again was angry by the ending. firstly its too draggy and also AH DAN SHOULD BE WITH FA!! how can they leave it to the building's light to decide their fate. and i tot it was clear that they shld be together when fa ran out at yeung sir's wedding and dan gave chase.
just now visited a petshop. dunno if its a new kind of bedding or what. the hammies sleeping on mud or whatever. so cute.