Monday, December 27, 2004
kids and dogs don match...
today went to pasir ris farmway to shop for goldfish. not me, but dad, who wants to get two replacement for the two that died not long ago. whew! didnt know that paris ris farm was a mini 'tourist' attraction on weekends! saw so many cars! finished picking up the goldfishes very quickly. but we ended up with three instead of two... the aquarium sure keeps a lot of exotic fish thou. and all of them were humungous! i can only wish that the white palomino we are keeping will NOT grow to that big. its horrifying. after completing the purchase we went to see the puppies on sale there. oh my god, all of them were soooo cute! especially LOVE the sleeping spitz (i think sooo). but i saw a very sad scene at the pet farm : parents purchasing a puppy for their three young children. of course, there should be absolutely no fault in buying a pet, but that is provided u know how to care for them! oh, those kids! the oldest girl was practically pulling the jack russell puppy on its lead, not leading it. the puppy was scared, i think. when the family wanted to get into their car, the puppy refused. the mother didnt even bother to carry the puppy up. in the end the girl gingerly carried the puppy into the car. feel so sad for the puppy. now he have to deal with three noisy kids who are going to treat him like a toy, a maid who's scare of him PLUS parents who didnt care a damn. chances are this puppy going to die or been abandon. or if its lucky the maid will be its owner instead. it just break my heart to think that the puppy will most probably be growing up very confused. of course, when the dog bites to defend himself, off he goes to the spca. hai~ don those parents have ANY mind of their own instead of giving in to their children's pleas? i feel very frighten when i hear those little kids asking their parents to buy a puppy for them. when will it drilled into their heads that A PUPPY IS NOT A TOY? sick. and what irresponisble parents! maybe i'm getting a little agitated. but parents should know that their kids won be able to take care of a puppy themselves. and those irresponsible pet shop PEOPLE! why did they still sell the puppy when they know the family don have the ability to take care of it? guess they are more concerned about the money. yucks.
then pl found me a part time job in the zoo! sounds fun. but the problem is i dunno how to get to the zoo?
Saturday, December 25, 2004
problems, problems, everywhere!
hai~ christmas eve suppose to be happy. yet today i'm quite moody. but its not because of the cup noodles that i got angry. i'm just frustrated that our family cant even agree on one place to spent christmas eve. realised recently that so much problems seemed to have surface. wonder if its because that i'm bad-tempered or that i always leave things unexplained that i have so many problems? oh bother! just hope i have enough strength and wisdom to solve them, before they snowballed into really serious problems. but sometimes things just seems to get so out of control. hai~
yesterday finished to catch the uncatchable. nice drama! ah dong so funny and clever at solving cases! but what a ending! can tvb be more kind to its audience next time? i think i will really break down if i watch a show that the couple does not end up together.
decided to post photos on blogger entries instead. its easier. so today i've posted pics of hard fate and also to catch the uncatchable...
ka ming and ceci were very compatible in hard fate. yet why did they have to be separated in the end?

last episode of uncatchable. vivi and ah dong snapping wedding photos. ah dong seems very sum fu thou...haha
Sunday, December 19, 2004
trip to malaysia
ta-da! a new blogskin! haha. credits to sis thou. i would never have change the skin if she hasnt help me find it! she's more clever at finding nice blogskins. i like the picture of the new skin. but it does makes me a bit hungry. the cupcakes seems so delicious!
thursday went on a one-day trip to malaysia to visit mum's sister (which is, in other words, my aunt!). took the express bus there instead of driving (since dad says he's not familiar with the road). can only say next time i opt we drive there. travelling by bus means we have to keep getting down and up when we reach the customsz(troublesome!). then we meet a caucasian whom i guess was their first time travelling by bus to malaysia too. they keep looking at us so as to know where to go next. it was funny when after clearing the sg customs dad wanted to go to toilet. and the family followed us too cause they thought we are going to board the bus! in the end they waited outside the toilet for us. haha. but weird that after that day we are never going to see each other again. aunt lived in pontian ( i think thats how its spelled), so after reaching malaysia we have to board another bus that would take us to pontian bus interchange. oh my, the bus that we board, ugh! it was absolutely dirty!!! at first i thought it looks ok, just that its seats are kind of old. but when i look at the side of my seat (i took the inside seat), it was loaded with rubbish! double urgh! the rubbish's used tissues i think. i mean, its so disgusting that i didnt dared to examine it any further. and poor me had to bear with the disgustin rubbish for about an hour... :( when we finally arrived in pontian, uncle came to pick us up. pontian bus interchange was nothing like ours. it was just a simple shelter with seats for people when they wait for the bus. wish i had my camera then. but stupid me forgotten to bring it. on the way to aunt's house we pass a one-floored hospital, a few mosques and a church. yup, that was what the town was made up of! when we finally arrived at aunt's house(which was 1/2 hr later), what we did was- eat! haha. the e-mee and hor fun there was simply DELICIOUS! it was like no mee in singapore! haha. then we ate ice-cream (aunt opened a provision shop there) and yung tao fu. wah, the handmade yung tao fu was tasty too! i think all those yung tao fu i've eaten in the past were all shit after eating these. maybe aunt can make some when she comes to sg for visit in future? certainly hope so. after all those eating we were ready to leave. haha. yes, we spent such an huge amount of time travelling there that we cant stay long. after an 11/2 hr bus ride we finally reached JB again. there we some last min shopping. nothing much to buy there. i bought two shirts and sis bought a pair of nike shoes and that was it! and finally we boarded the bus back to sg! erm, can only say its better if aunt comes to visit us next time. except the food there's really nothing there! then aunt keep asking us to stay for a few days. i mean, really, what is there to do there??? kowtow to aunt who have to live there for thirty years.
yesterday took lucky for grooming. i love the way the petshop is decorated! its simple and spacious. then all those cute doggies came to 'greet' us when we entered the shop. cute! but the groomer (call anthony, i think) was too young and inexperienced. like cant decide a 'hairstyle' for lucky. but his fur was cut anyway and he looked real cute now! will post a photo up soon...
guess its really a long blog... sorry if it hurts anyone's eyes...
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
bleh.... two people comment my font size too small and hurts the eyes. looks like i have to either change font size or....change my blog skin! haha. i definitely opt for the change of blog skinsince it has been so long that i've change mine already. guess i might've been too picky. looking thru so many but don really find one i like.
i've finally switch lucky to eating homecooked meals. whew! what a job when he's soooo picky! what he doesnt like, he won even take a nibble man! guess i've really spoiled him way too much. haha. yesterday we cooked marcaroni for lunched. so i leave some aside for him. first, i melted it with cheese(like those baked rice u find at swensens), thinking that if he like cheese he might be fooled to eat the marcaroni. but.. he hid under the sofa after smelling it! then when dinner time comes i cooked some pork and pour the broth over the marcaroni and some rice. what he did was picked out the pork and rice. guess he really doesnt like marcaroni. no choice. but today was an achievement. he actually ate the carrots that i cooked with the meat! maybe i'll add some brocolli next week. but there's one problem with eating homecooked meals, he hasnt pooped for two days already! maybe all the food i've been feeding him already turned to useful proteins, carbohydrates and blah, blah? hope so...
i was browsing thru the books and found this diease the vet says lucky has, cushing's diease. the book's advice was to feed him with a diet of high calories. problem is, how to calculate calories?? then today i went to the library to find out more bout this cushing's diease. oh my, it can make a dog's hair drop off soooo much that its quite scary! i just hope we can 'win' this war. i dont want lucky to be like this man!
been eating too much heaty food lately that i think i can feel a fever coming...urgh. tomorrow still have to go malaysia. hai~ blogging off!
Sunday, December 12, 2004
empty memories...
my room looks like a mini tornado have just hit it. why? coz books and magazines are stewed everywhere and the table cant even be seen! my, didnt know i owed so much books and magazines till a few days ago. been wanting to empty my bookshelves of those storybooks that i read during my younger days and donate them somewhere. will miss these books thou. they opened up my imaginations and make me like reading. just hope other children will benefit from those books in future. then all those magazines i've bought... wonder which part of my room should i place them? hope that the mess in my room will clear up before chinese new year or else i probably have to lock my room up when relatives and friends visit. haha. or maybe just place my dog inside and say that my dog bites, u cant enter!
then fri went to chinatown majestic. i love jimmy spa! he wrote so many wonderful books! stayed bout a few hours in the bookstore. maybe when i get a job and pay i'll buy a few of jimmy spa books every month. his books are really fabulous.
after that went to visit zi ying and zi jie(my two cousins). haha. zi ying so shy. but... sweets did the trick! gave them these two big strawberry lollipops and they were playing with us not long. kids, sooo easy to make them laugh. just silly things can set the 'giggle machine' off. haha. except that they keep wanting me to carry them. where got so much strength? haha. then their toys collection is humungous (wonder if this is spelt correctly?)! i didnt have so much toys last time! got this really cool 3d mini kitchen and lots of 'cooking utensils'! i liked the mickey mouse pot and pan. ops. haha. and their collection of happy meal toys certainly can beat mine! whoa... so much till aunt displayed all the toys on the tv shelf. but when we leave then they want to cry... ops...
yesterday abe came. still as naughty as ever. but now he knows how to speak chinese! perfect chinese too! so crazy! took him to eat macdonalds breakfast and my... he finished a whole mcmuffin plus a hashbrown before i even started on my pancakes! was a bit stunned. after breakfast walked around bedok and saw my nephew, jj and his mum(who is my biao-sao)! he's one years old already yet yesterday was the first time i saw him! haha. funny. my cousin lives just behind me (block g, i think) and i've never seen him before! anyway he's quite cute. the hair sticking out in all directions. haha. then took abe to grandma's house for dinner... and we rented 'to catch the uncatchable'! finally got new drama! the new drama quite funny. like dayo wong's way of acting. then watched jacky chan's new police story too. whoa, didnt know jimmy hung acted in it too. maybe its coz of his dad that he got in. but it was a short part only. can see new technology was used that made those explosive scenes so cool. jacky chan used a different style of fighting this time too.
think i've crapped enough... ending here...
Thursday, December 09, 2004
its boring...
i finally finished hard fate! been staying up to 2am every night to finish it. really, the climax of the whole show is at the end of the drama. the story is so exciting that i could have bite my fingernails off if i'm the type of nail-biting person... wonder why the ratings for it was not that good when it was aired in hk. but i'm unhappy with the ending! how can they let ceci DIE! felt so unfair for ka ming! just when they were about to get married too! trust tvb to come up with nasty and sad endings all the time!
i think i want to watch to catch the uncatchable now, then follow by twin of brothers, then war and beauty, the last breakthru and lastly my newest favourite:lost in the chambers of love! just saw the screen captures of it and oh my god! i love it already! ron look so cute in the show and michelle so pretty! but the bad thing is they do not end up with each other again! hai~ they are so compatible... but ron end up with myolie and michelle with kenneth. now why should i watch it if i know the ending already? beats me too! haha
went to the library that day and pick up a few books (three exactly) bout animals nutrition. one of the books recommend homecooking for dogs since process food actually contains too much chemicals. maybe i should pick up cooking for lucky! it might means healthier skin and coat and a happier dog! but must wait till i finish all three books. then while i was reading my biochem actually came into use! all those proteins, carbonhydrates came back into the books! haha. now i finally know why i studied biochem!
yupz that's about all....time to stop and do other more important stuff..
Sunday, December 05, 2004
sun, 5/12
this week was really tiring! after the bbq on mon tues went out with sis and her friend. or shld be said being forced...haha. accompany her to look for a job on mum's order. oh boy that place was sooo difficult to find! first we have to take mrt to paya lebar. then when we alight her friend (the one who introduce her the job) say she also dont know where the building is and suggest we take a taxi there... ask the station control officer instead and he adviced us to take a bus there. stupid us miss the bustop and landed in this industrial site in ubi. when we finally found the building (which was smacked in the middle of nowhere), we couldn't find the access to second level! in the end i told the two of them to abandon the idea of getting this job. reason being that how on earth are they going to walk back to this place later in the day when the job ended? so in the end me and sis ended up shopping in bugis. haha. shopped around and found so many nice stuff! pity i didnt bring enough money. will have to go back there next week to buy the stickers for nails.
finally had a rest on wed.. but that was because i never go out with esther. really sorry u know, i switch on the phone too late...
thurs went to watch 'the incredibles' with pl! oh my this movie was just as nice as i expected! the plot was quite ok but is the animation that one should look out for! really love the artists that made everyone so real life! especially when dash zoom here and there and when he comes back his hair will be messed up. jack-jack's voice was so cute too. and the stuff they use in the movie was so high-tech. haha. i like the little gadget that scans around and confirms mr incredible identity. so cool! and so cute too to see violet and dash fight and work together. and bro cut his hair too on thurs... more handsome now. haha. yes, not praising him or whatever but his new hairstyle makes him look more refresh. then the hairdresser told him to cut off his 'hat'. haha.
fri was fantastic!!! went east coast beach and it was so much cleaner than the pasir ris one! then crazy me just run up and down the coastline for so long... the feeling of doing this was 'shoik'! haha. then this weird guy came up and took photos of us. at first thought he wanted to snap the beach, so we just walked away. suddenly he asked,' arent you lot from the camp?' of course we said no. then he realised he actually was shooting some strangers and that made him so embearassed! haha. still got the guts to ask us,' isnt it embearassing?' weird guy. haha. then nightime had japanese food for dinner again... nice, nice! yummy, yummy! :P
read from magazine jimmy spa's work 'sound of colours' will be directed into a play. i want to watch it but the tickets are quite x!!! hai~ only have a little bit of money left now after spending on the bbq and movies.
finally finished hidden treasures. jacky zai was so cute in the drama! but still find the drama's ending was a bit rush...maybe i'll watched 'to catch the uncatchable' after 'hard fate' since its higher recommended by pl and i have trust in dayo wong. haha. anyway, time to blog off...